
使役動詞・知覚動詞 + 原形不定詞
















インターネット英作文( Best Translations 11/24 – 11/29)




今週のBest Translationsを音読し、その「キッパリ感」を味わってください!



This century has experienced more rapid and drastic changes in many areas than any other century since human history started.



Akiko さん(名訳です)

Anyone of us assumes that we know our mind. However, I think there is nothing as difficult as comprehending one’s own mind.

(第二文の終わりに、ジュリー先生はyour own mindを薦めていましたが、第一文がweで述べてきているので、yourだと矛盾がでるような気がして、one’sにしました。)



Keiさん (名訳です)

Foreigners who live in Japan say that nothing is more offensive than being spoken to by a Japanese stranger whose purpose is to improve their English conversation skill.




No other place is as difficult to live in as present-day Japan. That’s because prices are the highest in the world and especially land prices are surprising. How can ordinary people live in Japan?

★金曜日 ※太字部分のみを訳してください。

20世紀も残り少なくなった。振り返ってみると、今世紀ほど人類に多くの恩恵と多くの災害をもたらした世紀は、過去にないように思える。 あと10年で21世紀だが、新世紀にはどんな世紀になるのか、今から予測することは、誰にとっても至難の業だろう。(滋賀大)

 Tomoko さん(名訳です)

It seems that this century has delivered the most advantages and disasters to human beings.

It is difficult for anyone to predict what the coming century will be like.

インターネット英作文(Best Translations 11/17-11/22)




  • どれも甲乙つけがたく、すべてBest translations です!
  • 皆さんは好みの文を暗記してください。



The idea that anyone who gets older becomes wiser is absolute nonsense.


It is completely wrong to think that as everyone gets older, they become wiser.

(everyone は、they と一緒に使えることをジュリー先生に確認しました。)


The idea that the more we are getting on in years, the wiser we become, is contrary to the fact.


It is thought that the older everyone grows, the wiser they become. However, that is not the case at all.


「事実に反する」をagainst the factにすると、「ちょっとぎこちないかな?」というジュリー先生の言葉があったのでagainst the fact を使っていない翻訳を取り上げてみました(なお against the fact  が入っている方々の翻訳も他の部分には光るものがありましたので紹介できないのが残念です)。 



Tomoko (コメント:名訳です)

While what relatively tastes good at first tends to lose our interest later, we feel what tastes bad more delicious as we get used to eating it.

 Sara (コメント:分かりやすく上手にまとめています)

It’s easier for us to get bored with the food that tastes relatively good at first.

However, the food that tastes bad gets better little by little once we get used to the taste.



If you try to find a book that is really valuable to you from among so many books now published, you will find it no easy task. But the greater joy you will have when you do find one.



Excellent works (of art) become your lifelong friends and teachers (Aさんの使っていたeducatorsもいいですね).

The older you grow, the deeper and longer lasting joy they will give you.    





The more developed modern civilization gets, the less we sleep.

Due to the progress of the means of transportation, we walk less frequently, resulting in our shortage of exercise.

↑ ジュリー先生の指摘通りここは関係詞の継続用法より分詞構文の方がきれいです。

In terms of diet, we can see many people lack nutrition in a flood of food.



An American researcher of Japanese culture recently published a voluminous book focusing on Japanese ‘bathing’.

In the book, he looked into and discussed Japanese bathing culture in both an objective and concrete way.

(以下は Tomoko さんのものを ジュリー先生が英文校正をしたものです。受動態を能動態に変えています。)

The more research foreigners conduct from their new and unique perspectives, the more opportunities there will be for Japanese people to appreciate their own culture once more.


11月15日課題文(群馬大) = 翻訳コンテスト= 


1115日課題文(群馬大) = 翻訳コンテスト= 


 まず日本文を音読した後、各翻訳文を音読しましょう。一番好きな翻訳に一票を投じてください。(下の投票用紙をコピー&ペーストして下のSend Comment 欄 から、または、info@englishquest.net に応募してください。)





Living in the rapidly changing times, I have noticed that things which remind me of the good old days are gradually disappearing. Though I have believed that the weather does remain the same, every time the summer comes around, I find that we have fewer showers in the evening. It seems that even the weather cannot be unaffected by the changing times.




Everything has been changing rapidly and old things are disappearing one after another. The only thing I thought would never change was the weather.

However, these days I feel that we have fewer showers in the summer. I wonder if the weather isn’t immune to time and tide.



Various things are changing very fast and things that remind me of my old days are disappearing one after another.

But I had thought that weather was not one of these things. However, I feel there have been fewer showers in recent summers. Somehow, I think even the weather is not immune to the passing of time (the flow of timeでもよい).



A lot of things have changed rapidly, and things that remind us of old days have disappeared. In these circumstances, I had thought it was only the weather that wouldn’t change. However, these days, every summer I think there seems to be fewer showers than previous ones. I feel the current of time probably has something to do with even the weather.



Times are changing so fast and traditional things are disappearing one after another (at a given time:なくてもよい). But I had firmly believed the weather never changed with time. However, I think we have showers in the evening much less than before. Every summer in the last couple of years reminds me of that change. It seems even the weather is changing with time.



= 投票用紙 =



(       )さんのものに一票を投じます。





























一週間の模範解答は「インターネット英作文(Best Translations 11/10-11/15)」にあります。





ベスト1 by Yuki、(ジュリー先生のsuggestionを組み込んでいます。)

Yuki:  I always called him sir, so I will just write down ‘sir’ and won’t write his real name. This is not because I hesitate to do so, but because it is natural for me. Whenever I recall him I feel like saying “sir”.

ベスト2 by Kazuko

(スペルミスとコロケーションの修正= naturalには、for が良さそうです= をしています)

I used to call him ‘Sensei’. So I’ll use the word ‘Sensei’ here to write about him instead of mentioning his real name. It is not because of my consideration toward him, but because it is more natural for me. Every time I recall my memories of him, I feel like saying ‘Sensei’.



A さん

(1) aがつくと、(一人の実在する)先生となってしまい、呼称・肩書きtitle(XX先生)ではなくなってしまいます。ここの「先生」はニックネームに近い用い方で、名前の一種と考えれば、aはつかない筈です。



一つは私が行ったように’Sensei’(‘ ‘が必要です)と日本語をぶつける、か、Yuki君のように向こうの学校で使われている呼称’Sir, とかMr.’を持ってくるか、ですね。または‘ ‘をつけて無冠詞で’teacher’とやるか・・。










インターネット英作文(Best Translations 11/10-11/15)




Best translations: ジュリーさんの修正・提案により一部改変してあるものもあります。




By Tomoko

In many books for children that have been said to be great works, a mere reference to their titles reminds us of the pictures in them.




This is a picture of a remote town in the southwest of England. It reminds me of an old lady I met in that small town, whose memory I cherish so much.



瀬戸内海(the Seto Inland Sea)は、その名を聞いただけで私たちは、緑の島々が点在する波静かな紺碧の海を思い浮かべる。

Just hearing the words “the Seto Inland Sea” evokes the image of the calm blue sea dotted with green islands.





 Humans discover and perceive different aspects of nature and character in various things around us.

So the words we use to express them not only refer to things themselves but (also) remind us of their nature and character.





By Yuki

I always called him sir, so I will just write down ‘sir’ and won’t write his real name.

This is not because I hesitate to do so, but because it is natural for me. Whenever I recall him, I feel like saying “sir”.




模範解答について:  =翻訳コンテストを参照してください。=









About Troubles with Mr. D.D.

I heard that Mr. D. D wrote about us, English Quest. on a website.

 I would like to express my opinion about his posting.


I admit there are some native English teachers I have got in trouble with.

D. was one of them. I have found that there is one characteristic they have in common, which I am very poor at handling or…..probably I was born to have no skills to deal with. I mean, people who don’t keep their words/promises always become a disaster.


When they breach their commitments (though they do so on the basis of their own way of thinking, causes, or views, which they believe right), I usually stand in a situation where I feel I have no other choice than to choose one of the two decisions: To go along with their new requests/rules, or to run away from them. I’m maybe wrong, but such teachers sometimes seem to be thinking that it should be accepted by me as a matter of course or at least they would be able to start a new negotiation with me.

As for me, I just fall in a helpless situation and tend to choose the latter, running away from them and that was exactly the case  D. had experienced, which ended up with the cancellation of his employment.  It was very expensive decision for me (my company had already spent more than 120,000 yen to rent an apartment for him to live in and to support his moving)  but I had no choice… his words were no longer the same as what ‘we’ heard (I always conduct a job interview with my company’s staff to secure a witness) and I became unable to write the contract due to losing the basis of our mutual agreement.  

Now I feel sorry that he had to leave Japan because I could not accept him in the way he thought I should. It seemed that he changed what he said just because it was more advantageous to him, giving almost no consideration to me.  On the other hand, I always fear too much to get decieved/hurt by such kind of native teachers. You could say I was overreacted…but..it couldn’t be helped…

One thing I’d like to refer to is that we hadn’t given him (and taken his time to have him attend) any kind of training, though he mentioned it on his posting. He only visited English Quest twice. The first visit was made to show him the location of our school and the apartment for him to reside in. I don’t think he stayed more than three minutes in the classroom where the class was being conducted by our teachers.  The second visit was to discuss the details about the position. This time he had stayed about an hour. That’s all.

I wish him all the best with his life in Hiroshima.
